Bettendorf School Board minutes 02.04.03

Board accepts resignation of human resources director; reviews cost of air conditioning remainder of school facilities in 2003 and 2004.


Unofficial Minutes of the February 3, 2003, Regular Meeting
(Pending Board Approval)
1. Call to Order.

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on February 3, 2003. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle.
Members absent: None.
Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; John Campbell, Director of Operations; Candy Egger, BEA Representative; Jeff Ehrmann, Board Treasurer; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

2. Agenda Approval.

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the agenda as presented.

Ayes: 7 Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience.
3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.

There were no comments from the audience.

4. Commendations.
4.01 Student Spotlight on Thomas Jefferson Elementary School. Third grade students from Jefferson Elementary School utilized computer technology to share their research projects from Black History Month.
4.02 Robin Olson, 4th grade teacher at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, was featured on Channel 4 News with Andrea Zinga on January 7, as the QCA Teacher of the Week. Individuals in the area nominate teachers for this award. Robin's nomination was made by her present 4th grade student, Anna Stamer. Channel 4 News recognized Anna and Robin during Jefferson's December Life Skills assembly. Their families attended and were part of the interview footage on the news along with the classroom coverage.
4.03 On Saturday, January 11, 2003, seven BHS band students auditioned for spots in the annual Southeast Iowa Bandmaster's Association (SEIBA) Honor Band and Jazz Band. Students auditioning were: Rachel Annen, Oboe; Dennis Kapolnek, Alto Sax and Bass Guitar; Evan Smith, Alto Sax; Megan Assenmacher, Alto Sax; Tom Blaser, Alto Sax; Don Reichelt, Trumpet, and Mike Conrad, Trombone.
Four students were selected to participate in the Honor Band and Jazz Band. SEIBA Honor Band: Don Reichelt, Trumpet; Megan Assenmacher, Alto Sax; Evan Smith, Alto Sax. SEIBA Honor Jazz Band, Mike Conrad, Trombone. Students will rehearse with a guest conductor at Iowa City West High School on January 25 and present a concert to the public that evening.
4.04 The following students were named to the 3A East All District Girls Volleyball team: Beth Takemoto, Kelly Grimes and Laura McGaffigan.
4.05 Andrew Bribriesco won his 100th match on Saturday, January 18 at the Cedar Rapids Jefferson Wrestling Invitational, winning the championship at the 135 pound weight class.
4.06 The following Bettendorf Middle School students were selected to participate in the Southeast Iowa Honor Choir held in Muscatine, Iowa on January 24. 7th Grade: Allysa Curtis, Megan Dunlavy, Jill Dewitt, Avalon Woodard, Tyler Harmson, David Jun, Jordan Williams, Jeff Beck. 8th Grade: Adam Stokesberry, Tom Johnson, Cara Voelliger, Sheila Tuftee, Jacob Marty, Ian Nelson, Kelley Raymon, and Kayla Ballantyne. Kenneth Carnes and Pat Kaiser are vocal music instructors.

5. Consent Agenda.

Director Castro requested a correction on page 3 of the January 13, 2003, Regular Meeting Minutes under Item #6.01 Shared Communications; Pat Militechís donation of fitness equipment was valued at $2,500, not $500.

On behalf of the Board, President Roski regretfully accepted the resignation of Director of Human Resources, Judy Miller, acknowledging her many contributions to the District.

Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve the consent agenda as amended.

Ayes: 7 Directors Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

5.01 Approval of January 11, 2003, Board Retreat Minutes.
5.02 Approval of January 13, 2003, Special Board Meeting Minutes.
5.03 Approval of January 13, 2003, Regular Board Meeting Minutes.
5.04 Approval of Monthly Financial Reports.
5.05 Approval of February 3, 2003, Bills Recommended for Payment.
5.06 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel.
Administrative Retirement
Judith Miller/RSAC/Director of Human Resources/ Effective June 6, 2003
Classified ñ Resignation
Lisa Challis/RSAC/Guest Teacher Coordinator/Effective 3/28/03
Classified ñ Reduction in Force
Michael Rosenthal/HH/Para Educator B/Student leaving/Effective 1/13/03
Classified - Recommendation for Employment
Ann Braught/BHS & BMS/ESL Tutor/$15.00 per hour/per timesheet/New position-additional need/Effective 1/6/03
Marjorie Martel/BMS/Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/6 hours per day/New position-per student IEP/Effective 1/14/03
Sheryl Saunders/HH/Food Service-Satellite Worker/$6.90 per hour/2.5 hours per day/Replacing Nancy Fulton/Effective 1/27/03
Heather Shipman/HH/Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/6 hours per day/Replacing Katherine Dusthimer/Effective 1/13/03
Classified - Letter of Assignment Modification
Jennifer Deters/From MT to BHS/Food Service Part-time/$6.90/$7.65 after 90 days/5.5 hours per day/Voluntary transfer/Effective 1/13/03
Nancy Fulton/From HH to MT/Food Service-Satellite Worker/$6.90 per hour/2.25 hours per day/Voluntary transfer/Effective 1/15/03
Susan Striley/RSAC/From Classified Payroll Accountant to Administrative Assistant Human Resources/From 7 to 8 hours per day/Same rate of pay/Restructure of personnel within building for cost reduction/Effective 1/21/03
Carrie Zorich/MT/Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/Decrease from 5.5 hours per day to 22.5 hours per week/Change in student IEP/Effective 1/21/03
5.07 Approval of Donation. Directors will consider approval of a donation of $1,000.00 by Michael R. Carroll, owner of Illowa Communications, Inc., for the purpose of purchasing an indoor batting cage for the Girls Softball program at Bettendorf High School.
5.08 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.
Into Bettendorf, 2002/03
Drew Stanford, grade 9, from Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence
Into Bettendorf, 2003/04
Carmen Bauer, kindergarten (as of 2003/04), from North Scott

6. Discussion Items.

6.01 Shared Communications.

Director Crockett job shadowed with Grant Wood Principal Jerry Fagle and BMS Principal Rick Herrig, stating it was a very positive and worthwhile experiences.

Director Crockett reported on the recent PEC Meeting she attended.

Directors Castro, Luton, Crockett, and Weigle assisted with the judging of the Invention Convention on January 24 hosted by Hoover Elementary and shared innovative ideas of the elementary students.

President Roski and Director Weigle attended the January 28 Annual Board/Administrator Banquet at the AEA and reported on the keynote address by Dr. Willard Daggett entitled ìAchieving High Academic Standards for All Students.î

President Roski reported on the January 30 Community Forum entitled ìStart Times and Year-Round Educationî and expressed appreciation to the public for their participation and involvement.

President Roski attended the Education Advisory Council meeting hosted by Senator Maggie Tinsman on February 1, which included updates on allowable growth, statewide sales tax proposal, current education bills, property tax reform, etc.

Director Luton job shadowed with BHS Associate Principal Greg Meyer and reported on disciplinary issues, including the positive impact of Saturday school.

Directors Luton, Roski, and Weigle continue with IBB meetings and are moving forward with contract language and negotiations.

Superintendent Perdue alerted Directors to a proposed legislative bill that would change terms for Board of Education members from three to five years.

6.02 AEA Annual District Director Update.

Tom Mielnik, AEA Board member representative from Bettendorf, updated Directors on recent AEA Board business and projects, including potential AEA mergers, agency goals, research and development programs and services, special education programs and services, and general education programs and services.

6.03 Air Conditioning Design/Cost Projection.

Construction manager, Rick Reyseck, and architects, Gary Hindemeister and Tim Downing, outlined the cost projections and design work for proposed air conditioning projects at BMS, Herbert Hoover, Mark Twain, and Thomas Jefferson. Additionally, alternates for classroom upgrades, ADA issues, and sequence of buildings to be air-conditioned over a two-year timeline were presented. Air conditioning projects combined with upgrades totaled approximately $7,176,000, with air conditioning installation scheduled for 2003 and 2004 and the majority of upgrades in years 2005-2007.

Board recessed at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened at 8:58 p.m.

6.04 Audit Committee Report.

Representing the Audit Committee, Barry Anderson reported on the recent findings and following financial guidelines:
? Maintain a General Fund Solvency of not less than 10 percent.
? Levy sufficient funds for the Management Fund to maintain a carry forward balance at each fiscal year-end to fund 100 percent of the subsequent yearsí estimated expenditures.
? Carry a contingency balance in the Voted and Regular PPEL fund equal to 16 percent of the next yearís levy.
? At a minimum, continue to annually review the Health Insurance Fund, maintaining an approximate carryover balance equal to ten months of the prior yearís fund.

Directors concurred with the financial recommendations and will take action on this item at the February 18 meeting. President Roski thanked the Audit Committee for their hard work and efforts in developing these financial guidelines for the Board. Director Mayer suggested the Audit Committeeís financial recommendations be included in ìThe Rationale Bookî as a referral for future Boards.

6.05 100 Board Policy Series.

Directors reviewed revisions to the 100 Board policy series, as recommended at the January 11 Board retreat.

7. Action Items.

7.01 Instructional Support Levy Resolution.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the Instructional Support Program Levy Resolution of Intent as outlined under Item 7.01 of the Board packet (attached to original minutes).

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Castro, to amend the Instructional Support Program Levy Resolution of Intent to include the following statement between the first and second paragraph on page 1:

ìWhereas, the Legislature has not fully funded the state level of financial support levy; andî

Ayes: 6 Directors Crockett, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Castro.
Nays: 1 Director Luton. Motion carried 6-1.

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Weigle, to amend the original motion, deleting the following statement under Section 4 on page 2:

Section 4. The instructional support program shall be funded by instructional support state aid and an instructional support property tax levied annually upon the taxable property within the School District commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. and an instructional support income surtax imposed annually, the percent of income surtax to be determined by the Board for each budget year to be imposed upon the state individual income tax of each individual income taxpayer resident in the School District on December 31, 2003, and each year thereafter.

Ayes: 7 Directors Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Castro, Crockett.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

President Roski requested a vote on the previously-stated original motion:

Ayes: 7 Directors Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

The public hearing on the intent to participate in the Instructional Support Levy will be held February 18.

7.02 Second Reading of Board Policies.

Director Mayer expressed concern relative to the need for Board Policy #505.8 Student Distribution of Non-Curricular Materials.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Luton, to approve for a second reading and final reading all Board policies in the 200 and 300 series, as well as other selected policies as listed below:

501.10 International Students
504.1 Student Health & Immunization Certificates
504.7 Student Use of Motor Vehicles
505.1 Student Records Access
505.1E9 Annual Notice
505.2 Student Directory Information
505.2E1 Parental Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information
505.8 Student Distribution of Non-Curricular Materials
505.8R1 Student Distribution of Non-Curricular Materials Regulation
505.8E1 Application to Distribute Non-Curricular Materials in School
602.1 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students
602.2 Multi-Cultural and Gender Fair Education
603.12 Library Media Centers
604.2 Student Health Services
604.2R1 Student Health Services Regulation
711.3R1 Student Transportation for Extracurricular Activities Regulation ñ Field Trips
801.6 Selection of an Architect

Ayes: 6 Directors Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton.
Nays: 0
Abstained: 1 Director Mayer. Motion carried 6-0-1.

7.03 First Reading of 100 Board Policies.

Motion by Director Castro, seconded by Director Luton, to approve the first reading of suggested revisions to the 100 Board Policy series.

Ayes: 7 Directors Weigle, Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

8. Superintendentís Report.
8.01 Budget Planning. Superintendent Perdue reviewed the budget and will continue to update the Board as more definitive information is available.
Treasurer Ehrmann left the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
8.02 Superintendent Evaluation. Superintendent Perdue provided a self-assessment of his performance and reported on progress towards his 2002-03 goals. Directors were given the evaluation form to complete and return to President Roski by February 18. A Board/ Superintendent work session will take place on March 3, with the Superintendentís evaluation scheduled for March 17.
8.03 Next Agenda Planning. Superintendent Perdue reviewed agenda items for the regular Board meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18.

9. Future Events and Informational Items.
9.01 Tuesday, February 18, Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m., RSAC

President Roski informed the Board of a one-day seminar entitled ìWhat You Need to Know About Public Records and Open Meetings in Iowaî on April 15 in Cedar Rapids. If interested, please contact Superintendent Perdue.

10. Adjournment.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 10:26 p.m.

Debbie Roski, President


Lynne Lindstrom, Secretary

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